Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Festival Spanish-style

"Blam! There was a big firecracker thrown from a soldier on the streets. It was the streets of Spain. It was fiesta time in Orce and the town was re-doing the fight between the Moors and the Christians. The "Moors" looked like raiders because their faces were covered and only their eyes shone mysteriously.

The Christians were wearing chain mail with crosses on their chests. There were soldiers from the parade next to me when all the sudden around the corner came a Moor with a staff that had a sharp blade on the tip. He pointed his blade up to the sky and started yelling. It was hard to tell who he was because he had a dark blue sash covering his face. Then, other Moors came running out from behind the corner. I watched in awe as the Christians met the Moors with soldiers of their own. Next, the Christians came holding a big cross with Sain Sebastian on it. On the cross were a lot of flowers and other sacred things. 

What I've learned on this trip is that as one civilization crumbles, another rises."

J, 9 years old.

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