Friday, January 14, 2011

Tales from the first week

Homeschooling can be hard:

Sometimes you hear Flamenco guitar on top of a castle and you feel like dancing.

Sometimes the food is yucky.

Sometimes the food is so good you can't believe it.

Even when you pack two to a suitcase and rent a 'big' European car your trunk looks like this:

Sometimes a turkey bites your finger when you least expect it.

It's ok because it's down the way from your 'hotel' that looks like this:

Sometimes you have to lie down on the ground to get your shot.

Jet lag doesn't wear off quickly.

Sometimes the best thing that happens to you in a day is finding out you can Skype in to your friend's birthday party.

Thanks for keeping in touch!
 Sophia- how is Don Quixote

Maddie, yes there are mountains everywhere! We found out today that the mountain range behind our 'hotel' (it's the 17th Century sheep pen, more on that later), the Sierra Nevada- the name means 'snowy range'  has a mountain that is almost 12,000 feet high. The snow is shocking to see because it is warm and sunny- it looks like meringue.

We're heading to the cave dwelling and archeology site next.

Oh. One last thing. Our favorite and most important app? Facemelter.

1 comment:

  1. love your musings from your journey, dear lisa! the photos and captions are great - takes me back to being there! love to you!
