Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Exploring an 18th Century Mill in Sierra de Aracena

We went back today as a family to take a closer look at the 18th Century mill that Gigi and I had seen yesterday.

We set out across the bridge. Do you see who is with us?

We hike a good while past the oaks until it is time to cross the river again. This time there is no bridge. J has dubbed this dog, Caramel. All the dogs at Molino Rio Alajar (our home this week) are abandoned and have ended up here. Beloved by tourists.

The door to the mill is spectacular. The building is still standing but is slowly being reclaimed by the Earth.

Gigi peaks inside a window.

This is what she sees.

You are seeing a 300 year old millstone.

After seeing Peter and Monica's restored mill house yesterday I became curious to see others. Take a look at this fascinating website that sells 'unique' properties including mills! They also sell castles, churches, underground homes, barns and islands to name a few.  If you want to see some of these properties click here and then click on the far left to pick what you want to see, and in the middle to choose where you want to see them. 

One of the things I love about traveling is how it blows your imagination apart on what is possible.

Gigi joked there might be a Roman treasure buried beneath the old mill. . .hmmmm could be!

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