The air soft as that of Seville in April, and so fragrant that it was delicious to breathe it.
Christopher Columbus We think we smelled what Christopher Columbus experienced last night, walking through the grand park in Seville. The air was so heavy with oranges it seemed as if we were inside the fruit. We had a wonderful horse and carriage ride with Don Luis, he explained his job was his passion. His grandfather and father had done it before him and one of his sons would continue the tradition.
We came upon this:
I asked what would be done to the oranges and Don Luis said, 'They're on their way to England.' I replied, 'For the marmalade!' He grinned and agreed. The grand majority of the oranges on the trees in Andalucia around the streets aren't fit to eat, they are too bitter. The British make marmalade out of them but a running joke is that even that, is bitter.
There is a plaque that says, 'Who doesn't have a picture of the pigeons in the park of Seville?'
The one below let's you know you're reaching the place of the pigeons.
Here's what happened.
They loved Gigi so much her hair actually came out of its hairpiece!
Everyone of all ages delights in the pigeons whether wearing them or watching them.
When I asked this lady visiting the pigeons with her grandchildren how long this place had been dedicated to the pigeons she replied, "Forever! I'm 65 and I came here when I was a baby."
Mastering being with the pigeons is not easy but once you get the hang of it's amazing report the kids.
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