Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Laguna de Apoyo and other volcanos in Nicaragua as well as loincloth man

Another great thing about family sabbaticals anywhere is a chance for the kiddos to man the camera. Gigi took these beautiful shots yesterday when she visited two artisan villages.  

The crater lake, Laguna de Apoyo- you'll see it in action below.

We have dubbed this one, 'Loincloth Man!'

Our friend Betsy from Philadelphia (another great benefit of international travel with or without kids is hooking up with really interesting people from all over) took these shots of us when we spent the day swimming in a crater lake of a volcano that is 'in repose'.  Laguna de Apoyo is officially one of my favorite places on any continent- the water is sublime at a lovely bathwater temperature.

Baby-O loves kayaking.

Here's J and Gigi overlooking an active volcano- can you see the smoke? Unfortunately, the extreme levels of sulfur dioxide that are released from the crater is what ravages the communities that lie in the path of the gas plume and results in health problems as well as the inability to grow crops. 

Thanks for reading.

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