Saturday, February 12, 2011

A morning in Marrakech worth a lifetime of wonder

Our breakfast.

This orange fell down on the ground from the tree behind our table while we were eating.

Our host, Michel, a fine French gentleman with Swiss roots that go back to 1308.

A toddler working in Marrakech.

Our friend. 'Guard master by night', university student by day. He was reading Milton Friedman.

Baking lesson. The vessel.

The incredible Miriam teaching kneading. She speaks 3 languages (French, Arabic and English.). Throws pottery and can make a tagine. She bakes and cooks and holds diplomas in massage, waxing and haircutting. Miriam is 23. She has been making bread every morning since she was 10 years old.

Baby-O in the pool that is off the courtyard.

The view from the kitchen.

The steps up.
The roses that greet us in our room in the open air courtyard. J delights in pulling the rope that closes the 'roof'.

Taking a break in our courtyard before we head to the 'chemist'. It is not even 11am yet.

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